Take control of your skin health — from the palm of your hand

It is estimated that 1 million Americans are living with melanoma (the most deadly form of skin cancer). When detected early, melanoma survival rates are great — if undetected, it becomes increasingly fatal over time.

MoleMapper™ is a cellphone app designed to help you map, measure, and monitor your moles over time.

Changes in a mole’s appearance (size, shape or color) over time can indicate a cancerous lesion. MoleMapper™ gives you the tools to track your moles over time, allowing you to detect potentially harmful changes in your skin.


MoleMapper™ News

MoleMapper 3.4 Released

With this release of MoleMapper™ we are no longer recruiting into the Mole Mapper Study. You can still continue to use the app to monitor your moles as before, but we won’t be collecting additional data from those who consented to participate in the study. We thank all those who […]

MoleMapper™ 3.2 Released

We listened! After some usability analysis and user focus groups, we’ve made several changes to MoleMapper to make it easier to map your moles and visualize changes in moles over time. We’re already hard at work on the next release. As always, if you have any suggestions please feel free […]

NOTE: MoleMapper™ is NOT designed to provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, or treatment. Currently, there is not enough data to develop an app that can diagnose melanoma, but if enough data is collected through MoleMapper™ and shared with researchers, it may be possible in the future. MoleMapper™ should not be used in place of consultation with a physician or health care provider at this time. It is a tracking tool for monitoring moles yourself, for sharing with your physician, and is a means to engage in research.